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button_red Aim
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button_red Aim
The objective of the BGamma School is first of all to review the principal results in the algebraic topology of foliations and secondly to search for the future developments. Some introductory lectures are also planned.

button_red Date and Place
September 29th(Mon) -- October 2nd(Thu), 2003
Faculty of Science and Engineering, Chuo University, 1-13-27 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-8551, Japan

button_red Room:
Be Careful! Everyday(Morning / Afternoon) the room changes. (In any case, it will be in Building No.6., on 3rd or 4th floor, except for the Banquet.)
Monday : room #6426
Tuesday Morning : room #6301
Tuesday Afternoon : room #6326
Tuesday Night, Banquet : room #61225
Wednesday : room #6317
Thursday : room #6426

button_red Time Schedule:
29 September
30 September
1 October
2 October
10:00-11:20 Mitsumatsu I Mitsumatsu II Sergiescu II Vogt III
11:40-13:00 Hurder I Vogt I Hurder III Morita II
14:30-15:50 Schweitzer I Hurder II Vogt II Tsuboi II
16:10-17:30 Tsuboi I Sergiescu I Morita I Schweitzer II

button_red Titles:
Hurder, Steven (Illinois U. at Chicago)
I. Intorduction to BGamma
II. Rational homotopy theory of BGamma
III. BGamma tool box

Mitsumatsu, Yoshihiko (Chuo U.)
I. Bott vanishing, residues, and secondary classes
II. Thurston & Heitsch's independent variation, etc.

Morita, Shigeyuki (U. Tokyo)
I. Discontinuous invariants of foliations I
II. Discontinuous invariants of foliations II

Schweitzer S.J., Paul A. (PUC-Rio)
I. Intorduction to Gel'fand-Fuks cohomology
II. The injectivity conjecture

Sergiescu, Vlad (U. Grenoble)
I. P. Greenberg's work on PL foliations
II. Informal seminar

Tsuboi, Takashi (U. Tokyo)
I. Intorduction to the Mather-Thurston theory
II. Connectivity in low differentiability

Vogt, Elmar (Free U. Berlin)
I. Segal's and Moerdijk's construction of BGamma
II. Differentiable cohomology for BGamma
III. Real homotopy theory

button_red Special Lecture by Étienne Ghys (ENS-Lyon)
Monday, 29 September. 17:50-19:00 at room #6426
Property T d'après Gromov

button_red Contact
e-mail :
address : BGamma School C/O Prof. Yoshihiko MITSUMATSU Department of Mathematics, Chuo University, 1-13-27, Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-8551, Japan
fax : +81-3-3817-1746

button_red Access
About a 15-minute walk form JR Soubu Line Suidoubashi Station
About a 5-minute walk form EIDAN Subway (TRTA) Marunouchi Line or Nanboku Line Kourakuen Station
About a 7-minute walk form TOEI Subway Mita Line or O-edo Line Kasuga Station
Click here for the details (in Japanese).

Contact :Yoshihiko MITSUMATSU (Chuo University) E-mail :
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