Takahiro Saito's homepage 齋藤隆大のホームページ

E-mail: takahiro [at-sign] math.chuo-u.ac.jp
Research Interests: D-module theory, mixed Hodge module theory, irregular Hodge theory, singularity theory, Milnor fibrations/monodromies, etc.



  1. The Hodge filtrations of monodromic mixed Hodge modules and the irregular Hodge filtrations [arXiv:2204.13381] (To appear in Annales de l’institut Fourier)
  2. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, J. Reine Angew. Math. 786 (2022), 107–153.
  3. The bifurcation set of a rational function via Newton polytopes joint work with Tat Thang Nguyen and Kiyoshi Takeuchi. Math. Z. 298 (2021), no. 1-2, 899–916.
  4. Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities. Adv. Math. 342 (2019), 134–164.
  5. On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties. joint work with Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Michigan Math. J.73(2023), no.3, 631–668.
  6. On the mixed Hodge structures of the intersection cohomology stalks of complex hypersurfaces. Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 56(1) (2020), 55-82.


  1. Mixed Hodge modules of normal crossing type on smooth toric varieties, Conference on Singularity and Birational Geometry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2024
  2. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Séminaire de Géométrie, CMLS, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Oct. 2023
  3. Monodromic mixed Hodge modules for mirror symmetry, Topology of Singularities and Related Topics, Quy Nhon University, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep. 2023
  4. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Osaka University geometry seminar, Osaka university, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2022
  5. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Workshop on Mirror symmetry and Related Topics, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2022
  6. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Singularities, arrangements, and low-dimensional topology, II, Keio university, Kanagawa, Japan, Nov. 2022
  7. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Silver workshop V:Complex Geometry and related topics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 2022
  8. Monodromic mixed Hodge modules and irregular Hodge filtrations, Tohoku university geometry seminar (online), Tohoku university, Miyagi, Japan, Jun. 2022
  9. A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Geometry and Topology Seminar (online), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam, Sep. 2021
  10. Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, The 2nd higher-dimensional algebraic geometry in Osaka, Osaka University, Japan, May. 2019.
  11. Computation of Milnor monodromies with mixed Hodge modules, Paris Diderot University, France, Oct. 2018
  12. Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, The 4-th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Singularities, the Khanh Hoa University, Vietnam, Sep. 2018
  13. Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, Win- ter School and Workshop "Riemann-Hilbert correspondences", Riemann-Hilbert correspondences, University of Padova, Italy, Feb. 2018.
  14. Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, Work shop on Hodge theory and algebraic geometry, Tokyo Denki University, Aug. 2017
  15. On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties,The 12th Kagoshima Algebra-Analysis-Geometry Seminar,Kagoshima University , Feb. 2017
  16. Limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties and their applications,D-modules and Hodge theory ,Kavli IPMU ,Jan 2017
  17. On the mixed Hodge structures of the intersection cohomology stalks of complex hypersurfaces, The 4-th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Singularities, Chambery, Nov. 2016
  18. On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties,Algebraic Geometry Symposium in Kinosaki,Kinosaki international art center, Oct. 2016
  19. On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties, Researchon Global Properties of Singularities, Hyogo University of teacher eduation, Jun. 2016
  20. On the mixed Hodge structures of IC stalks (short talk),D-modules and singularities, University of Padova, Sep. 2015


Takahiro Saito, Assistant Professor
Department of mathematics, Chuo University, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan.
助教 齋藤隆大