Takahiro Saito's homepage 齋藤隆大のホームページ
E-mail: takahiro [at-sign] math.chuo-u.ac.jp
Research Interests:
D-module theory,
mixed Hodge module theory,
irregular Hodge theory,
singularity theory,
Milnor fibrations/monodromies,
I updated the photo on the top.
My wife took this. According to her, I look like ``a person who might explain things to me even though I didn't ask".
I like it very much. (Mar. 2024)
I became a member of the department of Mathematics at Chuo University
as an assistant professor. I'm very exited! (Apr. 2023)
- The Hodge filtrations of monodromic mixed Hodge modules and the irregular Hodge filtrations
[arXiv:2204.13381] (To appear in Annales de l’institut Fourier)
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, J. Reine Angew. Math. 786 (2022), 107–153.
- The bifurcation set of a rational function via Newton polytopes joint work with Tat Thang Nguyen and Kiyoshi Takeuchi.
Math. Z. 298 (2021), no. 1-2, 899–916.
- Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities.
Adv. Math. 342 (2019), 134–164.
- On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties. joint work with Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Michigan Math. J.73(2023), no.3, 631–668.
- On the mixed Hodge structures of the intersection cohomology stalks of complex hypersurfaces.
Publ. Res. Inst. Math. Sci., 56(1) (2020), 55-82.
- Mixed Hodge modules of normal crossing type on smooth toric varieties, Conference on Singularity and Birational Geometry, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2024
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Séminaire de Géométrie, CMLS, École polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, Oct. 2023
- Monodromic mixed Hodge modules for mirror symmetry, Topology of Singularities and Related Topics, Quy Nhon University, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sep. 2023
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Osaka University geometry seminar, Osaka university, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2022
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Workshop on Mirror symmetry and Related Topics, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2022
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Singularities, arrangements, and low-dimensional topology, II, Keio university, Kanagawa, Japan, Nov. 2022
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules,
Silver workshop V:Complex Geometry and related topics, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 2022
- Monodromic mixed Hodge modules and irregular Hodge filtrations,
Tohoku university geometry seminar (online), Tohoku university, Miyagi, Japan, Jun. 2022
- A description of monodromic mixed Hodge modules, Geometry and Topology Seminar (online), Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam, Sep. 2021
- Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, The 2nd higher-dimensional algebraic geometry in Osaka, Osaka University, Japan, May. 2019.
- Computation of Milnor monodromies with mixed Hodge modules, Paris Diderot University, France, Oct. 2018
- Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, The 4-th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Singularities, the Khanh Hoa University, Vietnam, Sep. 2018
- Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, Win-
ter School and Workshop "Riemann-Hilbert correspondences", Riemann-Hilbert correspondences,
University of Padova, Italy, Feb. 2018.
- Milnor monodromies and mixed Hodge structures for non-isolated hypersurface singularities, Work shop on Hodge theory and algebraic geometry, Tokyo Denki University, Aug. 2017
- On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families
of algebraic varieties,The 12th Kagoshima Algebra-Analysis-Geometry Seminar,Kagoshima University , Feb. 2017
- Limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic varieties and their applications,D-modules and Hodge theory ,Kavli IPMU ,Jan 2017
- On the mixed Hodge structures of the intersection cohomology stalks
of complex hypersurfaces, The 4-th Franco-Japanese-Vietnamese Singularities, Chambery, Nov. 2016
- On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures
of families of algebraic varieties,Algebraic Geometry Symposium in Kinosaki,Kinosaki international art center, Oct. 2016
- On the monodromies and the limit mixed Hodge structures of families of algebraic
varieties, Researchon Global Properties of Singularities, Hyogo University of teacher eduation, Jun. 2016
- On the mixed Hodge structures of IC stalks (short talk),D-modules and singularities,
University of Padova, Sep. 2015
助教 齋藤隆大
Takahiro Saito, Assistant Professor
Department of mathematics, Chuo University, Tokyo 112-8551, Japan.